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Interview with fashion brand, APMT.

If you’re interested in the relationship between music cultures and the modern fashion scene, you’ll have likely come across the designs of APMT. A decidely unique fashion company that is made my one young creative in London. In a brief interview, we learn about the background, creatives processes, and views, of Amelia who runs this fashion brand.

Before anything, tell me about yourself. What influences occurred in your life that lead to the creation of your brand?

My whole brand is inspired by the UK rave scene! During the first lockdown I was so bored and sad that we couldn’t go out anymore. I kept looking back at old film picturs from parties and decided to make something from them! Many of the images used were pulled from a project I did for my FMP where I went to different cities in the UK to document the rave scene in 35mm film.

Your creations are, on the surface, very influenced by rave/youth culture particularly with the prints. Is there anything deeper to it than that?

From being in lockdown and not being able to go out it made me realise how much I rely on the feeling of being in a rave for happiness. I think that is the same for lots of other people, so thats where the inspiration lies really! I wanted to bring that feeling into clothing.

What's your favourite design you’ve created?

Hmm, it would have to be between the BPM set and the Red Stripe set, they’re both my absolute favourites.

What’s the process like behind creating your garments? How long does each piece take? 

The process starts off with getting the fabric printed with my imagery, that process takes around 6-10 days and then gets posted to me (which is why I ask for customers to allow up to 21 working days). I then go through and cut out every order and label each one before getting onto the sewing. Depending on how many orders I have that usually takes between 1-3 days to do, with a lot of back pain hahah!  The actual making time depends on the piece but they all take between 20-40 mins!

Where do you see the fashion industry going at the moment. Or rather, what movements within the fashion industry do you see yourself trying to identify with? 

SLOW FASHION! many brands are supporting this now which is amazing! APMT is completely made-to-order and I save every off-cut to re-purpose later on, all fabric is bought and printed in London and all packaging is compostable. It really upsets me and actually amazes me how people are still buying from places like Shein, and not only that but will comment on small brands posts saying stuff like ‘you can get it off shein for a fiver’ or something, so mad how people think thats ok! So yeah, going against fast fashion.

What are your future plans with the brand, or are you just happy with how things are going currently?

I’m so happy with how it is all going right now but of course would love to grow @apm__t as much as possible! My office is currently FULL of scrap bags from collecting alllllll of my off-cuts since starting, so am hoping to make some sick one-off pieces from them soon, as well as new summer designs of course!

You can visit their page here