Dance Policy

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CONVERSATION: (CW, references to drugs and GBH)

In my opinion, to say that drugs and electronic dance music are inextricably linked would be a massive overstatement. Peter Hook wrote about drugs in his book about the Hacienda; if you're using and everyone you know is using, then its natural to assume majority if not everyone is taking some form of substance. For those individuals you don't know, you just assume that they are too - but realistically, it’s impossible to figure out. Some of them are, some of them are not.

it is undeniable that drug culture has fed into dance culture and vice versa. The stigma perhaps began in the late 80s when there was somewhat of a “moral panic” about ecstasy. Perhaps it would be more accurate to link particular drugs to certain scenes, but to affiliate drugs and electronic dance music moreso than other genres without proper research is an overstatement.

I don’t personally take part in it that much, albeit only sometimes, and I’m not just saying that because my mum follows DP. There is something special, to me, about attending a night and truly feeling connected to the music and loving every fucking second. I definitely understand why people take drugs to enhance that - but the line between having fun and being black out is quite fine. I’ve read stories about people taking GBH (Gamma-hydroxybutyrate, date rape drug) on purpose as it has similar qualities to being drunk.

It’s clear that the stigma of drug consumption is going a bit left field with attitudes being more progressive. I encourage drug use more than I dissuade it, but is it possible for a “scene” to collective identify issues? Should we have testing areas in all clubs? Should we decriminalise all drugs? I don’t know to be honest.

Photo by Paula Davies