Dance Policy

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Anti-rave bills change nothing

Solutions to issues faced by society often take the form of a ban. We are quick to have a zero-tolerance towards behaviour when in reality we should be empathetic and understanding instead. Drugs being just one example of this.

This isn’t to say that banning never works. Criminalising forms of behaviour, such as having zero tolerance towards any form of assault are appropriate and necessary reactions. However, this approach takes a blanket form across a range of other behaviours like drug-taking or illegal raves.

With France potentially implementing new anti-rave legislation, society has begun repeating the 90s and it seems we’ve not learnt anything since. French governments have begun pressuring clubs to close or making impossible expectations such as requiring to notify the mayor a month in advance for a gathering of more than 500 people. Should you not comply, you will be fined nearly 4,000 euros.

Partying safely is important and there are necessary barriers to protect each other that must be put in place. However, no government has responded appropriately towards club culture, nor put in proper measures to allow people to party safely. Look at London metropolitans polices refusal to allow people to test their drugs in clubs.

With increasing pressure on clubs to meet impossible restrictions, we will see the return of illegal raves and field parties and in turn, this will lead to a further increase of drug-related deaths.