"OUTTA PEA MAI GHEE" Story behind Owen Piercy’s photography


Owen Piercy from Bristol. Otherwise known as Gwen, a nickname that stuck. This is his story coming up through photography, what inspired him, and where he sees his career going. @owen_piercy

“Growing up I loved to make random videos and upload them where ever I could, Facebook and YouTube pretty much. That grew when I turned 16 and my brother and I bought our first DSLR Canon 1200d. It opened a whole new world of opportunity for us, no more bad photography and video.

We went out every night to catch the sunset without fail for around 2 years that really helped with my photo skills. After my brother left for university, I found my own style and feel for photography. I found myself fascinated by street culture and skating, it really excited me. This brings us to where we are today, I am now a videographer and editor for Block Twenty Four which is my brothers production company that I co own with him and Under The Wing Productions.

I take less photos than I used to and don’t upload as much. Not because I’m busy doing video, but I only really like to upload a photo If I really really love and has the feel for my Instagram page. One day I’m sure I will be back to consistent uploads and I do miss those times, but they come and go.”

You can follow him here

Zak Hardy