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Interview with Manchester club, The Loft.

In a short conversation with one of the team members behind The Loft, James Parrott who also supplied the photography for this piece, we learn about the ethos, orgin story and role of this space located in north-east Manchester.

What’s your role at the Loft?

I originally attended the Loft as a raver and the love I felt for the place was instant. Attending every show it wasn’t long before I made friends and became a general helper, scanning tickets, taking pictures, capturing videos and of course getting stuck in the mix. It's a connection we’ve made through common interests, shared experiences and whereby I'm part of the team helping spread the positive message. The Loft is a special place where the owners of the club are often dancing in the crowd, contributing to the vibe and making sure everyone’s having a top time. There’s no pretentious hierarchy and everyone can be classed as a friend, whether it’s your first night attending or your 20th.

What’s the story behind the beginning of The Loft? 

The Loft came about from the need for a place the community could call home. We’d been hosting pop up parties at various locations across the city for a few years before we found the perfect place to settle. A tucked away location that gives the feel of an intimate afters with all the perks of a big room club. Unassuming from the outside, there's a real feeling of magic when you first ascend the stairs and see the ‘big kids playground’ for the first time. I’d call it the Narnia effect… but for ravers. It was always the intention to create this space from the original afterhours that took place across the road in Dale House. (those that know the dance know!)

What is the art direction/ narrative the Loft is going for? I.e every club has it’s own theme, look, or who or what it tries to represent

The Loft doesn’t take itself too seriously, with the minimal layout and bright color scheme (yes we have a purple floor) we encourage a fun atmosphere where anyone and everyone is welcome to express themselves, dance to the music, be free and live in the moment. Inspiration, creativity and community is at the heart of our ethos. It’s all about love, love for the music, love for the scene and love for eachother. 

What roles does The Loft see itself playing in Manchester/ The club scene in Manchester overall?

We believe The Loft is what the city needed, a grassroots movement started by local kids that not only supports top local talent but also attracts the most acclaimed selectors and labels across the globe. It really is a melting pot where you can experience the likes of Raresh and Shonky smashing a 250 capacity venue (a rare occurrence in itself) and find the undiscovered DJ who lives down the road go B2B in the same weekend. Above all, what makes the Loft special is the people who come, it’s a strong, supportive and passionate community and that’s something we’re proud of and will always cherish. As we add members to the team and grow as a collective, we strive to diversify the sounds and welcome other communities. Our intentions are to also look outside of the music, providing workshops and educational moments through the week. It’s all a process, and one we’re always looking to improve upon


We’re excited to see what direction The Loft takes in the future and the hundreds of parties to come! The Loft is also celebrating their first birthday this July, see the event here.

thanks for chatting with us X